SME National Business Awards
Apprentice Employer of the Year
Our criterion to win the award is simple – tell us how you as an employer look after your apprentices so they take care of your business.
SME National Business Awards
Best Enterprising Business
Winners in this category won’t be standing still and doing the same old things, they’ll be moving and shaking, leading in their markets. In terms of this category, enterprise can be defined as showing initiative and willingness to undertake new projects.
SME National Business Awards
Best New Business
You’ve come into business in the last 2 years (start date on or after the 1st January 2022) with a bang and are really getting noticed for what you do. Tell us what makes you the best of a great new crop.
SME National Business Awards
Business Innovation
Innovation in your business means doing something new, different, smarter or better that will make a positive difference. Innovation therefore ranges from implementing a time-saving office procedure to a brand new product.
SME National Business Awards
Business of the Year less than 50 Employees
This award will go to the business that can show outstanding initiative, boldness and imagination in the enterprise, as well as sound management practices. Entrants to this award will be expected to demonstrate sustainable growth combined with a degree of commercial success that is exceptional for the size of the business.
Entrants in this category must have less than 50 employees at the time of entry, where Full-time count as 1 and Part-time or Temporary count as 0.5.
SME National Business Awards
Business of the Year more than 50 Employees
This award will go to the business that can show outstanding initiative, boldness and imagination in the enterprise, as well as sound management practices.
Entrants to this award will be expected to demonstrate sustainable growth combined with a degree of commercial success that is exceptional for the size of the business.
Entrants in this category must have more than 50 employees, at the time of entry, where Full-time count as 1 and Part-time or Temporary count as 0.5.
SME National Business Awards
Business Person of the Year
This award will go to a business person or entrepreneur who shows outstanding initiative, boldness and imagination in the enterprise, as well as sound management practices.
Entrants to this award will be expected to demonstrate sustainable growth combined with a degree of commercial success that is exceptional for the size of the business.
Our judges will be looking for entrepreneurial skills and evidence of how they have seen opportunities and are striving in their business.
SME National Business Awards
Business Woman of the Year
This award will be presented to the best female business owner or a female who has had a positive impact on a business/es. They will show how they have exceptional drive to succeed and how they have been integral to making the business or businesses a success.
SME National Business Awards
Community Business of the Year
This category celebrates both Community Businesses and Not for Profit Organisations. What these businesses have in common is that their focus is on positively benefitting society. All profit from a community business is reinvested in the local area and all profit from a charitable organisation goes to fulfilling their objectives.
SME National Business Awards
Corporate Social Responsibility Award
This award recognises businesses prioritising their Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) practices and demonstrating a commitment to change.
SME National Business Awards
Employer of the Year
Our criterion to win the award is simple – tell us how you as an employer look after your employees so they take care of your business.
SME National Business Awards
Family Business of the Year
The winners of Family Business of the Year will be combining their passion in business with their shared family values. Your business may have been passed down to you or you have started a business to pass on to your children in the future. The judges will be looking at how you can grow your business while still keeping your core family values at the centre of everything you do.
SME National Business Awards
High Growth Business of the Year
High Growth Business of the Year
High growth firms are referred to as ‘gazelles’ for the way they are racing ahead, contributing massively to employment growth.
Our judges want to know about your achievements and plans for even more success.
SME National Business Awards
Influencer of the Year Award
From food, fashion, fitness, and everything in between, there is no doubt that influencers have had a huge impact on the modern world, proving they are here to stay.
Judges of the Influencer of the Year category will be on the lookout for individuals who are making waves with their content, strategically communicating with brands, and encouraging audience growth at all times. Influencers should demonstrate creativity and edge in their content, showing evidence of the wide-reaching impact they have had on their audience.
SME National Business Awards
Networking Group of the Year
Business Networking has become a very important part of many businesses marketing and sales strategy. Some groups have been around many years, some have only recently started. It is important that whatever way you run your group, it must be successful – prove it and you could be the winners.
The judges will want to know if you are an independent or part of a franchise or national network. The history behind your formation, the people involved, numbers attracted and your vision for the future. Go on – prove your group is the best…
SME National Business Awards
Positive Impact Award
The winner of the category will be innovating and adapting their business to not only thrive but benefit the wider community. Have you changed the products or services you are producing to help during a crisis or are lending your team to assist elsewhere? Our judges will not only be looking at how you plan to create a positive impact, but what you are currently doing to put this in place.
SME National Business Awards
Retail Business of the Year
The judges of the Retail Business of the Year category are looking for the businesses that exceed customers expectations, build long-term customer relationships and provide a service that is consistently outstanding.
Retail Business or the Year includes any businesses who sell products or services directly to consumers.
SME National Business Awards
Service Excellence
The winner of this category will give outstanding assistance and advice to those who buy or use the business or organisation’s products or services. They will be able to provide customer testimonials to back up their submission.
SME National Business Awards
Sustainability Award
Being “green” and “sustainable” in business terms means reducing or removing the harmful impact that products and/or services have on the environment.
SME National Business Awards
Website of the Year
Irrespective of your size, your website says it all. It should look great, be really easy to navigate, showcase whatever it is you do but most importantly, it should engage the viewer and keep them on your site for as long as you need them.
SME National Business Awards
Young Business Person of the Year
For business people aged 30 or less (by 1st January 2024) who have demonstrated a high degree of entrepreneurship, creativity and vision for the future. The judges will be looking to identify an individual who has set up a business or has had a significant influence in the business, that has set and achieved objectives within its business plans and established a position of sustainable profitability and success. In addition to this, judges will want to see an understanding of the relationship between your own development and the success of the business.